Heard of the 80/20 approach to life? This is how that same rule can apply to Human Design parenting. Learn more…
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5 Ways I’m Applying Human Design to My Parenting Journey
Here are 5 ways I’m applying Human Design to Motherhood (and how you can too)…
What Is Human Design Parenting?
Here’s my take on how you can start honouring your child’s uniqueness through Human Design parenting.
Human Design Projector: Parenting by Design
As two generator parents to a mini projector and reflector, we continue to learn so much!
5 Myths About Human Design Parenting
Wondering how to apply Human Design to your parenting? Here are some common myths you might have heard…
Human Design Parenting and Gentle Parenting: How They Work Together
What is Human Design Parenting? Learn what it’s all about and how you can embrace it in your gentle parenting approach.
Gentle Parenting: 10 Ways It Helps Us to Enjoy Life More
Gentle parenting has transformed the way me and my husband parent our two little girls… and we enjoy life so much more because of it.
Human Design Parenting Tips – Parenting a Reflector
Parenting a reflector – in human design terms our youngest daughter is a reflector. This is how we combine human design and gentle parenting.
Human Design Parenting Tips – Parenting a Projector
Parenting a projector – in human design terms our youngest daughter is a projector. This is how we combine human design and gentle parenting.
The 25 Things That We Tried to Get Our Baby to Sleep Through the Night (And What Actually Worked!)
Yes we tried all of these 25 things (and probably more) to help our baby girl to sleep through the night. But what worked?
When Will My Baby Sleep Through the Night?
The #1 question from new mums. We tried so many ways to help our baby sleep through the night, but it was only these two things that worked.