Hello amazing parent…

Hi, I’m Claire Kidd – it’s so lovely to have you here.

Even if you don’t always feel like an amazing parent, I’m here to remind you that you are!

As a Human Design guide and certified life coach for parents with kids aged 2-7, I help parents to create more confident, courageous and connected relationships – first with themselves, and then with their children. 

This is about trusting yourself, and trusting your children.

  • Do you love all the gentle / respectful / conscious parenting approaches out there but struggle to get them to ‘work’ for your own kids?
  • Does it sometimes feel like you don’t even recognise the child you gave birth to because their behaviour or personality is so different from yours?
  • Is parenting bringing up lots of tension within your family dynamics because you can’t seem to make any parenting hack, tool or system actually stick?

I hear you and I see you, because I was also right where you are right now.

Love learning about parenting but struggle to put it into practice?

This is where I was…

I was piecing together theories, ideas, approaches to help me navigate this new normal.

I would take some theory or an idea and try to use it and see how we went. 

And this worked really well for a long time, especially with our first daughter. 

And then when my second daughter arrived, the same things just didn’t work, or they worked in different ways. 

And it felt like I had to learn all over again. 

It was also a real evolution for me as a mother – much more than it was going from zero to one child – this transition was different somehow.

I was lost. I had no no framework, no guiding hand. No idea of how to handle things now that my usual go-to approaches were not having the same effect.

And it was exactly at this point that Human Design found me. 

How Human Design changed everything in my parenting journey

Practical ways Human Design parenting has helped me and my family:

  • Knowing that my eldest daughter, as an emotional projector, needs time to ride through her wave of emotions before making a decision on certain things – and trusting her to go through this process (instead of pushing her to make quick on-the-spot decisions that don’t feel good)
  • Appreciating that my youngest daughter, as a rare reflector, needs to have plenty of transition time between activities and outings and planning for this (instead of rushing her and causing everyone to get frustrated)
  • Recognising that both me and my husband are sacral generators and we need to manage our energy in completely different ways to our girls, and showing them that our different preferences and strengths matter and make us who we are

You might think these sound too subtle or simple to make any difference in your family. I promise they’re not. They’re life changing if you let them be.

parenting by your childs human design type

How Human Design parenting can help you too…

Seeing these transformations in my own family and the clients I work with, it’s my passion and my mission to help as many other parents enjoy their parenting journey with a deep sense of trust and purpose, and in turn help their children to feel seen, heard and loved for exactly who they are.

As a certified coach working through the lens of Human Design, I help you gain a completely unique insight into yourself, your energetic design, your strengths, your motivation and your preferences and, together, we can set some incredible transformations in motion for you and your family.

I firmly, strongly, passionately believe that with just a little bit of awareness, we can move mountains, we can change lives. We can disrupt generational behaviour patterns, and deep conditioning that we are all susceptible to by nature. 

I love working with parents of children around 2-7 years. I find the most benefit and enjoyment can come from implementing Human Design during these years because a two year old is starting to really show their personality, sometimes even earlier, but this is really where they’re starting to show their preferences, their traits, their motivation, and all the other beautiful characteristics that make children who they are. 

And it’s usually around this point in our parenting journey that we struggle with that – we get triggered, we get overwhelmed. We get frustrated, angry,  bitter and disappointed that our children aren’t doing or being what we want them to be and how we want them to behave.

Through my work with parents, we are able to first of all recognise our own patterns of behaviour and identify where we are feeling triggered when our children misbehave or tantrum or don’t listen to us. And then we can start to work through that and also recognise the traits in our children that are just innately them and what makes them so unique and appreciate them for those traits. 

Your Human Design parenting journey begins with you

I blog regularly and send weekly parenting by design tips to my email subscribers (sign up here), and I also have a free intro guide with some great insights into parenting each energy type.

And if you’re ready to begin, I’d love to invite you to book a parent/child or full family Human Design reading with me. Learn more and book here.

Or, if you know that you’re ready for a deeper transformation and want to really set your family on the right path by learning and implementing Human Design, then I welcome you to click the link below to learn more about working 1:1 together in my 90 day Human Design parenting program – Parenting with Soul.