Human Design Wall Charts

Human Design Parenting

If you’ve been here a while you know it’s my mission to get Human Design parenting into as many families and homes as possible, which is why I’ve created my own range of digital Human Design products…

Human Design Parenting

Visit the Human Design parenting store to see the full range.

Each custom Human Design chart is personally created by me based on your child’s birth date, time and location. I then create a full chart to help you understand more about your child’s:

  • Optimal environment for them to thrive in
  • Digestion and nourishment preferences
  • Decision making skills
  • Energy exchange and how they best communicate
  • Emotional language and how they might display feelings
  • Super power – aka strongest sense
  • In-built driver and motivation

Check out the full range of customised printable design charts in various colours and styles… plus each chart now comes with a few added extras, such as a visual of the 9 energy centres for easy reference, a full breakdown of the 64 gates (the numbers along the side of your human design chart), a one page planet and node guide, as well as my top tips for parenting each energy type!

human design digital wall chart human design digital wall chart
human design digital wall chart human design digital wall chart

I can’t wait to create your customised chart so you start to see your child through a new lens…

Ready to add Human Design to your parenting toolkit?

Start with a Printable Human Design wall chart (for you or your child) and start to learn more about this incredible tool for your life, and parenting journey. See the full range of custom digital HD wall charts, ebooks and bundles here.

Keen to dive deeper?

I work 1:1 with parents to understand their own Human Design as well as their child’s. I offer individual, parent/child and full family sessions. Learn more here.


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Hey there!

I'm Claire, it's SO lovely to have you here!

I help conscious parents understand and integrate their family's unique Human Design into everyday life.

Parenting by design has helped me to see my beautiful kiddos on an entirely new level. I can't wait to help you start to parent with soul too!

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