Human Design Parenting: 10 Tips For Raising a Manifesting Generator Child

Human Design Parenting

Human Design Parenting: Raising a Manifesting Generator Child


Parenting by Design

Human Design – known as the science of differentiation – is a modality to help us understand how we can understand and use our personal energy during this lifetime.

As humans we are perfectly designed for thriving in our environment here on Earth, but from birth (and possibly even before), we experience natural conditioning – from our family, care givers, school, society and culture.

Often, this conditioning forces us to lose our natural, inherent knowledge and wisdom. Through learning more about your unique Human Design, you can start to unpeel those layers of conditioning to reveal the true you.

Raising Kids According to their Energy Type

One of the first things we look at in your bodygraph or Human Design chart is your energy type. There are 5 energy types:

  • Manifestor
  • Manifesting Generator
  • Generator
  • Projector
  • Reflector

The way the energy types are created depends on which energy centres you have defined or open (coloured in or not). 

Each energy type is different in the way they interact with the world around them. You might instantly recognise the main traits of your energy type, or you might need time to let it sit and look back over your life to realise that there were times you were were living out of alignment and actually your energy type fits perfectly (but conditioning took you away from you were really were). Whatever feels right for you is what is meant to be.

The Manifesting Generator

Strategy: to respond

Signature: satisfaction

Not-self theme: frustration

  • Approx. 9% of the population
  • Defined by open sacral
  • Famous manifestors: Jennifer Anniston, Frida Kahlo

A hybrid of manifestor and generator energy, the MG type has a defined throat connected to a defined motor centre. Their energy is here to keep things moving for the rest of us – they are here to whip things up, start new things, be in a few different projects at once and then move on. They have the generator staying power for things that really bring them joy, but don’t expect this all the time.

They can be labelled as flaky or quitters, when really they are just moving on to the next thing that has lit them up – and usually this is perfectly correct for them. They need to keep starting things and exploring for humanity to work out what is most important. Due to this quick switching nature they also become adept at doing things their own way and you might find an MG skipping steps in a process but being able to reach the same (or better outcome) than if all defined steps had been followed – this is their gift to the world – evolving and improving.


10 Tips for Parenting a Manifesting Generator:

parenting by design

[Sample bodygraph only]

1 Let them have opinions – they are the the driving force of humanity. They need to share their wisdom and ideas.

2. They often have better ways of doing things, even at a young age. They can skip steps and still achieve the desired outcome.

3. They often have big (not necessarily loud) energies and need to be encouraged to express themselves.

4. Have short, fiery bursts of energy, followed by periods of rest and retreat. Let them set the pace.

5. Will move quickly, and change their minds often, even on activities they once showed huge passion for. Avoid shaming them for a change of heart.

6. Encourage them to follow their desires, without holding back, judgement or fear.

7. Can often catalyse others through their energy, but need to act independently; they are a driving force.

8. Try not to slow them down with questions or logic, they need to act when their desires kick in.

9. Often self-starters and able to drive their own mission. Support, while reminding them you are there when needed.

10. They are not designed to seek permission, so they might push boundaries expected in families and society.

parenting by design

Ready to add Human Design to your parenting toolkit?

Start with a Printable Human Design wall chart (for you or your child) and start to learn more about this incredible tool for your life, and parenting journey. See the full range of custom digital HD wall charts, ebooks and bundles here.

Keen to dive deeper?


I work 1:1 with parents to understand their own Human Design as well as their child’s. I offer individual, parent/child and full family sessions. Learn more here.


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I'm Claire, it's SO lovely to have you here!

I help conscious parents understand and integrate their family's unique Human Design into everyday life.

Parenting by design has helped me to see my beautiful kiddos on an entirely new level. I can't wait to help you start to parent with soul too!

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