5 Myths About Human Design Parenting

Human Design Parenting

You’ve probably landed here because you’ve been reading about Human Design parenting, then started to question yourself about whether it’s worth learning more about. I hear you! I am always skeptical too about the next parenting craze out there, but I personally don’t see Human Design in the same way as the latest trend. It’s based on solid stuff (quantum physics for one!), plus I have been applying it in my own little family for a while now and can say firsthand how much it has helped us navigate the parenting journey.

But I respect there are some myths out there so I aim to clear some up for you…

5 Common Myths About Human Design Parenting

  1. It’s all woo woo
  2. No one can box my kid in / give them a label
  3. My type / my kid’s type doesn’t sound right
  4. There’s no point in trying to change them: kids will be kids
  5. Certain Human Design types need more rest / more play / more (fill in the blank) than others

human design parenting

Why Do I Need to Even Care?

I get it, you’re probably all wrapped up in just trying to do your best at this parenting game. Add in multiple lockdowns, home schooling, travel restrictions and all the things from the past 18 months and it seems like too much to take on more ‘stuff’.

I hear you! I kinda felt the same way when I first learnt about Human Design and how I could apply it to my parenting journey. But honestly, it was such a game changer for me and my husband that despite all the things you think you have to learn, it wasn’t so hard to start making small changes here and there to start seeing real differences (and happier kids and parents!).

You see, when I first found Human Design we were having some challenges with our youngest who was 2 at the time. Some of the usual stuff like tantrums, strong willed behaviour etc., but also it felt like there was more going on that I could pinpoint. You know, that mama instinct we hear about all the time.


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So when I discovered that she was a reflector in Human Design terms (only around 1% of the population), this started to make a lot more sense (read more about reflector children here). Reflectors are here to sample the energy of those around them, and to literally reflect it back. I know what you’re thinking – what the heck is she talking about?! But I realised that she was a mirror for the whole family and if she was struggling to process things and having a hard time, then it probably meant the rest of us were too – and she was right. Our eldest daughter is a projector, which is also completely different to us as two generator parents (read more about projectors here).

Anyway, back to those myths…

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Human Design Parenting All Starts With Breaking Down These Myths.

Myth #1. It’s all woo woo

This really depends on your definition of woo woo! (I personally hate that term but I get that a lot of people use it). Human Design is a tool/modality/system based on a combination of ancient principles, including The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. As it is based purely on statistical data, i.e. your birth date, time and location it can’t be ‘cheated’ or guessed at. Some people say it’s a bridge between astrology and Myers Briggs. Whatever your belief, simply looking up your chart might give you so many ah ha moments about your life so far (like it did for me) that any questions about this being hippie or woo woo will soon be discredited. But each to their own.

Myth #2. No one can box my kid in / give them a label

So true. In fact Human Design does the complete opposite. There are over 3 billion possible combinations of Human Design charts (even identical twins born seconds apart will often embody different characteristics of the same data) so it in no way implies that any of us can be labelled. I think this misconception comes in when we start to look at Human Design types – as there is so much information out there, many people (me included) will naturally group together certain general traits for ease of reference. But let me assure you, this does not mean anyone should be labelled. In fact my personal experience has been that I have uncovered completely unique characteristics in my chart, and my loved ones’, that I have now come to celebrate and revere. Plus, there is no ‘bad’ Human Design type to be – it’s just what is energetically correct for you.

human design parenting
Myth #3. My type / my kid’s type doesn’t sound right 

Honestly, the first time I saw my chart and my kids, certain things did not seem to fit right. For example, I have a defined root centre which should mean that I thrive on pressure and can accomplish things at the last minute. But in reality I am much more prepared and hate last minute pressure! But what I’ve learnt is that these traits can show up in completely different ways for us all, and the beauty is there for us to explore! So there is always some wiggle room with what our chart says, and what feels right.

Also, it might be that we have been conditioned or have become so used to not doing things a certain way that we have been living ‘out of energetic alignment’ that this has become our new norm. But when we uncover our ‘true’ being, we start to unravel from the conditioning and become who we were meant to be.

Myth #4. There’s no point in trying to change them: kids will be kids

Agree 100%. Kids most certainly will be kids! But how about trying to honour them in the most beautiful way possible – by understanding and respecting them and their purpose in this lifetime? This isn’t about changing them at all, it’s about trusting their innate design and wisdom (and our own) and leaving them to be the absolute, unique, beautiful souls they came here to be.

Human Design Parenting

Myth #5. Certain Human Design types need more rest / more play / more (fill in the blank) than others

There is a lot of dogmatic ‘must do this’ or ‘must do that’ rhetoric in the Human Design world. I personally don’t buy into much of it. Sure, there are some general things that make sense about the energy types (e.g. a projector will use their energy differently to a generator) but the only real way to apply Human Design to your own family is to have a personalised reading so that you can uncover the specifics, not just the surface level stuff.

Human Design parenting


What next?

So, I bet your next big burning question is where do I even begin to start honouring my own parenting voice, as well as respecting my child’s unique wisdom? This all sounds like a lot!

The best way is to get started is by understanding your own Human Design, and your unique way of being, and then doing the same for your child – at whatever age they’re at.

I wish I had known about Human Design when I was pregnant or as a new mum, but I’m just grateful I found it now.

Ready to add Human Design to your parenting toolkit?

Start with a Printable Human Design wall chart (for you or your child) and start to learn more about this incredible tool for your life, and parenting journey. See the full range of custom digital HD wall charts, ebooks and bundles here.

Keen to dive deeper?


I work 1:1 with parents to understand their own Human Design as well as their child’s. I offer individual, parent/child and full family sessions. Learn more here.

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I'm Claire, it's SO lovely to have you here!

I help conscious parents understand and integrate their family's unique Human Design into everyday life.

Parenting by design has helped me to see my beautiful kiddos on an entirely new level. I can't wait to help you start to parent with soul too!

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