Using Your Human Design Strategy in Parenting

Human Design Parenting

Using Your Human Design Strategy in Parenting

When you first discover your Human Design you will see a ‘strategy’ applied to each type. This is where I spend a lot of time with parents in my 1:1 sessions uncovering each strategy in their family dynamic.

What is your strategy?

It feels very business-like doesn’t it? But really it couldn’t be further from the truth.
In Human Design, our strategy is really how we can best interact and exchange energy with those around us.

Each type has it’s own:

Generator & Manifesting Generator Strategy: Wait to respond.

Manifestor Strategy
: Inform.

Projector Strategy
: Wait for the invitation.

Reflector Strategy
: Wait 28 days (a lunar cycle).

When you first learn about your strategy you might instantly connect with it and see how it feels right for you. Or, like me, you might say ‘huhhh? What does it actually mean?’
The thing about strategy is that even amongst the same energy type, it might look and feel completely different. So one projector might experience waiting for an invitation completely different to the next; and it’s these nuances that take time for some of us to work through and experiment with.

The benefits of living by your strategy – as a parent and for your kids

The founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, said that if we only live by strategy and authority (which go hand in hand) then we are already well on our way to living an authentic and aligned life (he said it better than that, but you get my point).

Purely by being aware of and then living according to your strategy you can really start to see some shifts in behaviour.

Wait to respond – When Generators and MGs wait for their sacral to light up and be attracted towards something, you are responding to it and it’s right for you. By trying to force something, you are not waiting for it and you’ll feel frustrated and impatient. You need to be tuning into your body’s gut response to know what is right for you. But this doesn’t mean you sit around and wait for things to come to you! It means being out in the world and exploring, being open to things and then responding when they crop up.

Informing for a Manifestor has the benefit of removing any obstructions in your path so that you can get back to what you want to be doing – initiating and starting things. People, logic and questions might slow you down along the way, so by removing this barrier ahead of time time (by informing others) you will start to see how you are more free and at peace.

Waiting for the invitation for Projectors can sometimes be hard in a generator world where it might often feel like you have to hustle and make things happen. This is not correct for a projector – you need to wait for life to come to you. But this doesn’t mean sit around and wait – it just means be in the position to be offered the invitations you are looking to call in. Be prepared and authentic ahead of time so that you are poised when the inevitable invitations do come in.

Waiting a lunar cycle – 28 days enables Reflectors to fully feel into their decisions over a period of time (does not have to always be 28 days!). This way they can really sample what feels good for them, and not just what others are feeling.

Ready to add Human Design to your parenting toolkit?

Start with a Printable Human Design wall chart (for you or your child) and start to learn more about this incredible tool for your life, and parenting journey. See the full range of custom digital HD wall charts, ebooks and bundles here.

Keen to dive deeper?

I work 1:1 with parents to understand their own Human Design as well as their child’s. I offer individual, parent/child and full family sessions. Learn more here


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I'm Claire, it's SO lovely to have you here!

I help conscious parents understand and integrate their family's unique Human Design into everyday life.

Parenting by design has helped me to see my beautiful kiddos on an entirely new level. I can't wait to help you start to parent with soul too!

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